Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fuzz, Felt & Fur

Warm fuzzies - Civic Square, Wellington


'How are you feeling' - outside the Hutt City Library

The New Dowse has a new touchy-feely exhibition on, aptly named Fuzz, Felt and Fur. Which of course lent itself perfectly to a spot of knit graffiti.


xxx said...

Nice bit of graffiti and I especially like the loopy orange and blue one.

Just this winter I have become hooked on being a graffiti knitter and I can't see myself giving it up any time soon.

Keep up the beautiful knitting.

best wishes

kntgrl said...

oooooh. the loop stitch rules!!

great colours btw. hup hup Holland!

Anonymous said...

oh.. very nice and the hand rail invites touch so readily.

love the loopy stitch!

commuknittea said...

I love the loopy one to! very nice work and so cute "how are you feeling?"

Craft Bomber Association said...

Just to say we love your work!
We felt inspired by all knit taggers out there and a few month ago started yarn bombing in Tauranga. It's all humble beginnings but soo much fun.