Wednesday, February 4, 2009

dum dum dum dummmmmmmmm

The big announcement is:

actually, there are two. 

One. I am outing myself. in the name sense, not like the closet kind. My name is Tash. 

All this is due to a wee interview i did a while back for Radio New Zealand. You'll be able to find it for the next few days here. We're down the bottom, under home economics make a comeback or something like that.

Oh yeah, and then somehow i ended up in a radio studio recording an ad for...

Two. We are going to be at Cuba Street Carnival! Woo!

This is your super special invitation to join stiX and myself in a public knitting session so we can cosy up the trees in Cuba Mall. 

We will be outside the Bristol from 11am - 4pm on Saturday 21 February (that's the day of all the Carnival fun stuff), knitting* our little hearts out. 

If you or anyone you know wants to come along, but don't have the skills, or the yarn or needles, for a koha we'll give you all three to take with you! 

Plus we will love you forever if you tell your friends, family, colleagues, supermarket check out chick, and dog. We hope to cover all the trees in the copse where we'll be sitting - and we can't possibly hope to do it all ourselves! And of course there is the chance that maybe you'll be snapped knitting with us and be eternally famous.

If you want more info, please send us an email at outdoorknit (at) gmail (dot) com. 

*Or lamely attempting to crochet. We welcome anyone to come and show us how it's done!


Anonymous said...

Hey grrl,

I just found you thorugh Yarn bombing..congrats on the interview.

I loooove the knit up you did and your quote. I t really says it in a way I feel strongly about.

Would you mind if I quote you on my blog?

knitsch said...

that would an honour! Go for it! :)

Sonja said...

Fastest way to find the interview is to go to Radio New Zealand live archive and search knitting - the home economics makes a comeback comes up top of the list

knitsch said...

Thanks mum :) (what would we do without our mums, hm?)